Sunday, January 11, 2009

Texas in-ground BBQ

Building an in ground barbeque pit is not difficult. Before you begin, first check with your local officials to find if you are permitted to have one in your yard. Some city municipalities do not allow home fire pits. There may be regulations on what type of materials can be used and size requirements.

Your next decision will be what type of liner you want to use. The type of liner will help decide the appearance of your pit. Rough stones will give a rustic look, while firebrick (required in some areas) gives a more contemporary feel.

Once a decision has been made, choose your location. Make sure that the spot you choose is well away from a dwelling, any outbuildings and away from trees. You should also check with your local telephone and power companies to discover if there are buried lines where you plan to dig. Some areas have a local telephone number to call before digging the hole.

The below items are what you will need to construct the pit.
A shovel, A tape measure, A bag of gravel or river rock, Mortar mix,
A cement trowel, Large, thick rocks or firebrick for the liner, A level.

If you wish to grill over your pit, purchase a grill rack at your local hardware store.
Decide if you wish to dig a round, rectangular or square pit. A round pit should be at least fifty inches in diameter, while a square pit is at minimally four by four feet. You need to dig your pit at least two feet below ground level.

Line the bottom of your pit with at least a two-inch bed of gravel or river rock. Mix your mortar when the temperature is 65-F or over and have good sunlight. Begin lining the sides of your pit, either rock or firebrick, making sure to butter the exposed sides freely with mortar using your trowel. To 'butter' simply means to spread on a thick 1” layer of mortar. Work from the ground up, doing one layer at a time until you reach ground level. As you complete each layer, wipe excess mortar away using the side edge of your trowel.

At ground level, you are almost done. First, finish off your pit itself by backfilling any spaces between the rock or brick and the walls of the hole with clear dirt and leftover gravel. Now you have two choices: laying a ring of rock around the outside perimeter or continuing to build above ground level. The choice is entirely up to you, although having a wall above ground will help to prevent accidents. Ground level pits can be dangerous. Children and adults alike can fall into a pit if not aware of their presence. Higher sides can also help contain any sparks or embers, reducing your chance of an unwanted fire.

Allow the mortar to dry, at least overnight, but preferably a few days before first use. Then you are ready to use your pit for whatever you desire, from roasting marshmallows to a full-blown pig roast, your fire pit is ready for the challenge. Enjoy the B-B-Q.